
Contact us today to learn more and request a demo  

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Feed Your Casual
Workforce Instantly
Manage Free Meal
Entitlement Instantly

Mega events require an army of temporary staff to make everything run smoothly.

From ticketing and concessions to crowd management, volunteer and casual workers are the backbone of massive event operations.

That's why we created e-voucherz - the only digital food voucher system designed specifically to feed your events volunteers, casual and regular workforce simply and effectively.

With e-voucherz volunteer meal vouchers, you can:

  • Pre-plan your meal allocations and distribute vouchers by e-mail to workers for easy tap-and-go redemption
  • Configure vouchers by time, location, and meal occasions
  • Monitor usage in real-time through our online dashboard
  • Integrate seamlessly with your existing operational systems
  • Provide a seamless meal experience for your valued events volunteers, temporary, contract and regular staff
self-service food

Say goodbye to paper vouchers, lengthy queues, and disappointed workers.

Your caterers no longer have to worry about checking, storing, counting and reconciling paper vouchers.

E-voucherz revolutionises mealtime for your staff, attendees and vendors, creating a smoother, more satisfactory event experience for all.

Join the future of event dining with e-voucherz. Your staff and your sanity will thank you.

Contact us today to learn more and request a demo.
We can't wait to show you how e-voucherz will change the way you feed event crews forever. Cutlery icon

About Us

Orange Technology is a UK based software development company that has been building innovative operational and people development products since 1995. The company launched its first web-based SaaS solution in 2005, and a series of innovative products since.

We have experience of developing solutions for both academia and broad business sectors.

We understand the importance of creating easy to use applications for everyday tasks, and we have pioneered industry-leading solutions to student communication, facility inspection and inventory products.

Over 1,000,000 UK students have utilised our induction platform since it was launched.

We help businesses and organisations globally to save time, effort and money by deploying our software to streamline their processes and solve important problems through innovation.

We developed the concept of web-based food ordering for the London 2012 Olympics and extended it to provide digital food vouchers for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, in both cases solving the problem of feeding large workforces of events volunteers easily and seamlessly, with no need for paper based systems.

Whatever type of events organisation you work for there are specific benefits which you can read about in our sections within our Event types menu.

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Aviation Business Park
Dorset, BH23 6NX

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